2024 Foundation Friends
The Columbia Education Foundation (CEF) was founded in 2006 with the express mission of supporting the Columbia Borough School District and community. Every year, the Foundation has provided scholarships, mini-grants, and other forms of support because it has been blessed by the incredible generosity of many people, organizations, and businesses. The 2024 FOUNDATION FRIENDS list will be updated monthly through December 31 2024. The Columbia Education Foundation respectfully seeks your support as we raise funds this year to support our teachers and students during the 2023-2024 school year.
Thank you as always for your abiding faith and trust. Contributions can be made through the following:
By Check Mailed to: Columbia Education Foundation, PO Box 548, Columbia PA 17512
By PayPal: See information on website.
Crimson Donors
2024- Arndt, Tracy
- CBFD Hambones Social Club
- Columbia ELKS #1074
- Columbia Owls
- Columbia Ryder Cup
- Donegal Insurance Group
- Ephrata National Bank
- Foresters of America
- Fulton Bank
- Hershey, Wayne & Marci
- Klawiter, Ken & Brenda
- Kreiser, Karl & Donna
- Kuhn, Karen
- McDermott, Michael
- Meisky III, Norm & Ward, Steve
- Peerless Hardware
- Peoples Bank
- Ryno, Scott & Betty-Sue
- Steeley, Mark & Dimitri
- Sunsnappers
- Weis Markets
Tide Donors
2024- Anspach, Jim & Vicki
- Arriola, Tracey Lynn
- Bigler, Thomas
- Broich, Emily
- Bullys Restaurant & Pub
- Carpathian Club
- Catholic War Veterans Post #1306
- Columbia Kettle Works
- Columbia Lions Club
- Columbia Pizza
- Cunningham, Dave & Deb
- Das, Niladri & Rachelle
- David Burke Memorial Horseshoe League
- DeForge, Cindy
- Detz, Jeff & Christine
- Devaux, Frances
- Donan, Patrick
- Family Practice Center PC
- Fish Mechanical
- Gamby, Robin
- Gochenauer, Deann
- Gold, Debra & Erik
- Hohenadel, Kathy
- Hohenwater, Greg & Francine
- Houck Golf Outing Foursome
- Kernisky, Kellan
- Kreiser, Donna & Karl
- Leddy, Jacqueline
- Lively Jr, Joseph W
- MK Architects (Laura Meisel)
- Mable, Ronald & Barb
- Martin, Phil
- McCarty Seal Coating
- Meley, Joyce
- Moose Chickies Rock Lodge #307
- Mowery, Marci
- Musser Supply
- Nikolaus & Hohenadel Law Office
- Rauffauf, Jeff & Cheryl
- Rhoads Sheet Metal LLC
- Ryno Public Safety Solutions
- Sahd Metal Recycling
- Sarley, Linda J
- Shenk, Rob
- Seibert, Joe & Janice
- Smiths Hotel
- Snell, Benjamin & Megan
- Spiese, Vivian
- Thompson, Kelly
- Thrivent – Rob Kedney
- Union Station Grill Inc
- Ward, Steven & Angela
- Weigel, John & Jane
- Wise, Edward
Gold Donors
2024- A1 Restoration Inc
- A Lane Outdoor Furniture
- Becker, Edwin
- Clyde W Kraft Funeral Home
- Dean Little Distributors
- Gamby Disposal Service
- Hershner, Charles
- Jack Frost Construction Inc
- Kleen-Rite Corporation
- Lawson, Tom
- Paul Revere Leber Post #372
- Splain’s Superior Construction
- The Medicine Shoppe
- Wrightsville Social Club
Forever Friends
- Anderson, Joyce
- Arndt, Donald “Granny”
- Bachman, Sue
- Banner, Glenn
- Book, Jay
- Brelinski, Ron
- Brown, Mildred (Sis McPeak)
- Burke, Dave
- Burkert, Claire
- Crum, Ruth
- Donan, Patrick
- Fishbeck, Charles
- Gerfin, Barry
- Glenn, Missy
- Grab, Mrs.
- Herr, Carol
- Hohenadel, Francis
- Horn, Joe
- Jones, John W.
- Jones Mrs.
- Kline, Lloyd
- Kloidt, Lorraine
- Kraft, Albert (Bud)
- Kraft, Anne
- Little, Dean
- Lutz, James
- Lutz, Sally
- Mimnall, John
- Mower, Mike
- Mumma Herr, Carol
- Mumma, Linda
- Nikolaus, Donald
- Oberholtzer, Neil
- Redman, Arthur George
- Reinhart, Charles (Chas.)
- Rote, Luther
- Rupp, Alvin
- Seifried, Tom
- Sherk, Lewis
- Snyder, Sara E.
- Tolson, Ruth
- Ward, Dick
- Wolfgang, Mike
Donate Here
If you would like to donate to our Foundation, please do so by clicking the button “Donate Now”.
We’d like to thank all those who have already donated both time and money to aid in our continued honored tradition of “giving”.