The Foundation encourages district staff to complete and submit applications for grants. Two types are offered: Mini-Grants not to exceed $1000, typically submitted by one staff member and Collaborative Grants not to exceed $2500 designed for programs from multiple staff members that involve a cross-discipline of academic departments, sections, or classes. The objectives for all grants should meet special needs, curriculum alignment, school climate, standards-based classrooms, assessments and student discipline to name a few. Applications are reviewed after submission and if approved, funds are awarded by the Foundation prior to implementation.
2017 CEF Mini & Collaborative Grants

2017 CEF Mini & Collaborative grants were awarded at the May School Board Meeting. 23 grants totaling $24,076.20 were awarded to 55 teachers to assist with classroom instruction and innovation. Our annual golf outing is the major fundraising event to support these requests. Pictured below are some of the fine teachers who received their awards.
CBSD’s Rising Tide of Literacy Joins “Tiny Library” Movement

The Columbia Education Foundation recently wrote a mini-grant to provide for the building and implementation of Tiny Libraries. The purpose of these Tiny Libraries is to allow anyone in the community to take a book or leave a book at any time and to increase literacy in both the schools and the community. Once the grant was awarded, a search was conducted for waterproof units that would allow for the safe storage and exchange of books. The options for affordable outside storage units were limited. Lancaster Newspapers provided the perfect solution. They not only donated but also delivered five defunct newspaper machines to the District to be re-purposed for the Tiny Libraries. The Columbia Borough School District custodial staff prepared the machines and shipped them to Joe’s Body Shop, a local business, to be painted. The tiny libraries are now in place in the community providing 24-hour access to books and reading materials. The four units have been placed at locations near District buildings. Please support our Tiny Libraries by visiting one of these locations to take or leave a book.